Friday, 17 July 2009

Last Day of School

Yesterday was my last day at work. The decision I made, back in February to quit has finally come around. It was kind of poignant packing up my stuff, turning my room over to someone else, handing in my keys and saying goodbye to my friends and colleagues. The Head, notably, didn't come and say goodbye, or even pop a card in my pigeon hole. One of the TAs bought me flowers and chocolates, which really threw me sideways. That was so thoughtful of her. My department gave me a gorgeous blue glazed dish, which I will treasure.

Do I regret handing in my notice? No, I don't think so. I'm ready for the next adventure. Being a teacher has taught me a lot, but it isn't the job I want to do forever. I have the skills now, to use teaching as a springboard to something else. Bring it on!


  1. Ahh! Bittersweet moments! I have enjoyed being with you through this journey via your blog and can't wait to see what you will do next!!~

  2. Me neither! I wonder what it will be??


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