Sunday, 15 November 2009

New School

I’ve got some supply work until Christmas. It’s at a school about an hour away in a rural little town. I’ve done a couple of weeks there now, and it is a lot calmer than my old school. The kids lack that ‘near a big city’ edginess that many of them possessed at my last school.

The whole timetable is laid out in a much less frantic way. There are five lessons instead of six, which are longer and allow you to get deeper learning in. The breaks between lessons are long enough so you can actually wind down, catch up with paperwork and find time to look at what you’re teaching next. All in all, the tension I felt at my last place is just not there amongst the staff or students. Not surprisingly, it gets much better Ofsted reports than my old school.

Actually, I saw that my previous school is advertising for a science teacher, so I guess one of my old colleagues has decided to get the hell out too. I wonder who it is. I wonder if they jumped or whether they were pushed.

The evil head there likes to do a lot of pushing. One of my ex-colleagues is going for constructive dismissal and has advised me to do the same. I know I have a case, but I don’t know if I can be bothered. I’m just happy to be out.

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