Sapphire was in a 'daddy only' mood, meaning Oli got no rest at all. Sapphire wailed loudly each time she was passed to anyone else. The only respite was when Nick held her, providing Sapphire couldn't see her Dad! Everyone else was out of favour.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
We raced back from Snowdonia (see travel blog) where I've been for the weekend with Saskia. It is Sapphire's first birthday party and we couldn't miss that! Oli and Helen got together for their daughter's celebration and there were many friends and children there to enjoy the celebrations.

Sapphire was in a 'daddy only' mood, meaning Oli got no rest at all. Sapphire wailed loudly each time she was passed to anyone else. The only respite was when Nick held her, providing Sapphire couldn't see her Dad! Everyone else was out of favour.
Helen had got a lovely chocolate teddy cake. After blowing out the candle, we all got to try a bit. Sapphire thought it was yummy too.
Sapphire was in a 'daddy only' mood, meaning Oli got no rest at all. Sapphire wailed loudly each time she was passed to anyone else. The only respite was when Nick held her, providing Sapphire couldn't see her Dad! Everyone else was out of favour.
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this is beutuful thank you...