The task of clearing out the toddler toys is about five years overdue, so Tuesday we emptied everyone's rooms and put all the toys in the living room. I tell you, we were knee deep in rubbish. It took us FOUR days to clear out three car boot fulls of toys (to the charity shop) and two black sacks of rubbish! My house is ever so much more empty and the kids actually have enough room to put things away on thir shelves at last. They have no excuse for not keeping the place tidy now!
We took a walk along the River Severn to Blackstone Rock. There are some once-lived-in caves nearby, which the kids enjoyed exploring, although they were a bit nervous about the dark. Then they climbed up on the rock itself, which is sandstone and therefore red, rather than black like its name would suggest. It is quite high above the river and gives a pleasant view.
Kids on Blackstone Rock
Oh my! Everything is so breathtaking, especially the pic of the children and their warm smile. Thanks for sharing.