Nick was away all week, doing a conference on data-bases down in Sussex. Cure for insomnia, or what? Aside from missing him, it was incredibly hard work - getting the kids to school, negotiating the dreadful roadworks around their school, cycling 10 miles in the daytime, coming home and immediately going out to do some tutoring or admin for Dave before getting the kids in bed and making lunch-boxes for them. After four days of that, I had a sore throat and flu-like symptoms.
To make up for it, we went out last night for my birthday. Some of our friends joined us and we had a nice meal and good conversation. It was most enjoyable. I should do it more often.

When we got home, Mum was asleep on the sofa. She didn't budge when I covered her with a duvet and turned the lights off, so we went to bed and left her. She was gone this morning, so I guess she woke up in the dark and snuck out quietly. I didn't hear her leave.