Exhaustion Incarnate
The week galloped by, with a trip to Wednesbury to try and teach science to teenagers. The first three lessons went OK, but then they had lunch. Clearly Wednesbury teens should not be fed anything because after lunch the classes just rioted. I was shattered by the end of it.
Then I have been tutoring in the evenings and transporting kids to their after school clubs. I've been to the gym a couple of times and played a bowls match against Ledbury, which we, rather surprisingly, won. I was pleased with my bowling. I actually played a fair few cracking shots, the like of which I had not a hope of playing last year.
Nada came back again. She's a CSer who stayed with us last year. We dragged her round Mel's maths trail, though I don't think she really enjoyed it. Poor Mel. We worked so hard on it and everybody is put off by the fact that it has 'maths' in the title. Sigh.
Everyone is being totally grumpy around the house now because we are all so tired. :o( I have a million things to do before tomorrow and no energy to do them with. Ho hum.
I'm grumpy too. End of semesters are always the same: too much work, not enough time, everything that can't go wrong goes wrong, but in the end I go through it--the last part still hasn't happened, but I'm hopeful.